
The History of Lightning Protection Equipment

The history of lightning protection dates to the 1700’s, but there have been few advancements to the technology. The Preventor 2005 offered the first major innovation in the lightning protection industry since it started in the 1700’s. In fact, even today, common products being offered are frequently merely small traditional lightning rods connected with a maze of exposed wires – technology that dates from the 1800’s.


1749 – The Franklin Rod.  The discovery of how electrical current travels brings to mind an image of Benjamin Franklin standing in a thunderstorm holding one end of a kite and waiting for lightning to strike. For his “experiment of procuring lightning from the clouds by a pointed rod,” Franklin was made an official member of the Royal Society in 1753.For many years, all lightning protection consisted of a Franklin Rod designed to attract lightning and take the charge to ground.  It had limited effectiveness and is today considered antiquated. Now this method is generally only considered satisfactory for church spires, tall industrial chimneys and towers in which the zones to be defended are contained within the cone.

1836 – The Faraday Cage System.  The first update to the lightning rod was the Faraday cage. This is basically an enclosure formed by a mesh of conducting material on the roof of a building.  Named after the English scientist Michael Faraday, who invented them in 1836, this method is not totally satisfactory because it leaves areas in the center of the roof between the conductors unprotected, unless they are defended by air terminals or roof conductors at higher levels.



* Preventor 2005 model.

Post time: Aug-12-2019